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Choosing Season Excerpt - Prologue

One Year Ago

Once upon a time, in a land hidden across the twelve tumultuous seas and through the deep caverns of the earth lay the land of Avallonis, or Avalon as many foreign dignitaries call it. The Avallonian dignitaries began picking themselves up and shaking hands after Envoy Klaas, a diplomat from the land across the twelve seas, finished his speech; Richard pushed himself from the large table and walked towards his personal bodyguards, the grand throne room in the Royal Palace of Debaile, capital of Arran, reminded him of Citri Palace’s courtroom back home, though he is partial to his round table setup, not the banquet hall formatting they have going here. The lovely land of Praetoria, crown jewel of Avallonis, beckoned Richard to catch his private jet back home after the too long summit.

“Prince Richard!” Ambassador Augustus called out in his smooth Elmeten accent with Klaas following close behind him, Richard nodded to Alfred as they reached him to clear his path.

“Ambassador, Envoy Klaas.” Richard smiled kindly and firmly shook his hand. Klaas smiled and said something in… Richard recalled it used to be called Saxon, but he couldn't remember the newer name.

“So, what did you think of the ideas presented?” Augustus translated. Richard tugged on his suit jacket sleeve as he formed his response. “The Euros say wind and solar show promise.”

“My concerns lie with how it’s supposed to be better than nuclear.” Augustus relayed the answer and Klaas gawked at the observation and replied quickly.

“Nuclear is dangerous.”

“Which is why we have our top scientists and million and one safety protocols.” Augustus frowned at Klaas's next comment before angrily addressing Richard.

“But if Praetoria doesn't embrace it, then neither will any of these other backwards countries.” Richard eyed Augustus, just as shocked that a diplomat would insult the people he's trying to sway.

“Isn't it true that one of your countries… Gaul. Has a rolling blackout problem?” Klaas laughed at the question.

“It hasn't been called that for a millennia.”

“Answer me this. How is wind or solar supposed to be better for our people if we deprive them of electricity when the sun doesn't shine, or the wind doesn't turn a turbine?”

“It reminds the people who's in charge.” Richard raised an eyebrow and glanced at Augustus again.

“And that explains why so many of your land's tyrants have been beheaded.” Augustus snorted as he relayed the answer. “May God save you, if it is right for him to do so.” Klaas glared at Richard as Augustus relayed the last of his message, making Klaas walk away. “Ambassador, tell King Alasdair I suggest a watch be put on him until he leaves.” Augustus nodded as Richard waved his hand letting a reporter approach him. The elderly reporter began to ask his question in Laudish, getting Richard to look at Alfred when he smirked, getting Richard to sigh after guessing the question, especially after he heard the name Liana.

“You’ve been named Avalon’s most eligible bachelor and I'm sure Praetoria is eagerly awaiting a choosing season announcement. But does Praetoria’s crown prince have any news regarding his recent date with Elmeten darling Liana Andrei?” Richard took a hard breath, silently wishing people would stop asking.

“Many apologies if you were hoping for gossip. My heart belongs to a woman that the Good Lord has not yet given me the pleasure of meeting.” Richard forced a smile as Alfred relayed his answer.


Through the large window lay several parked vehicles lining the silent fenced in courtyard. Calvin, Timothy, and Henry stood chatting outside the palace as they and a mountain of security waited for the summit to end and lined the path to the armored Equos waiting to take Prince Richard home.

“What are your plans for Hora Memini?” Henry asked as he checked his watch.

“The works.” Timothy leaned back against the vehicle and glanced around, the early summer sun and soft breeze made the wait bearable, and the scenery wasn't bad either.

“You act like you've told us the works, and you haven't.” Calvin laughed when Timothy shrugged and went silent. “You know Tim, you're quite the personality, you’re calm, collected, and don’t let anyone get to know you.”

“Nothing to tell. Just a boring person.” Henry slowly shook his head as he punched Timothy’s arm.

“Did you know Walter’s retiring after the new year?”

“Heard that. He staying in Basilius or is he going back to Seleucus?”

“Hasn’t said. You know, that means there’ll be an opening to be one of Richard’s personal guards. It’ll be nice to not be the only newbie. You gonna try for it?”

“Don’t think so. I’d rather just be an ordinary guard. Plus, there’s plenty of people who likely want that spot. Gonna try for it Cal?” Henry sighed disappointedly as Calvin shook his head.

“Nah, I thought about it when Bill retired. I like being a palace guard but… I don’t see myself staying one. Thinking maybe do private security or something. Have you ever felt you were missing half of your life?”

“That’s called hating being single.” Henry laughed. “What kind of girl you looking for?”

“A not crazy one, but I’ve looked all over Praetoria.”

“You know, if all the girls you’ve dated are crazy, maybe you’re the problem.” Timothy teased as Calvin glanced at the other guards lining the courtyard.

“Have you looked in Myronides?” Henry suggested.

“You did not just suggest that. I don’t know of anyone from the devil’s pothole who isn’t as evil and conniving as Lucifer himself. I bet I’d turn to stone if I so much as looked at one of their girls. And if they’re not, they’re good-for-nothing drunks like angry Arthur.” Timothy let out a silent breath as his phone rang out, making him discreetly look at the caller name and tuck it back into his pocket. “Let me guess, girlfriend?”

“Don’t have one.”

“How do you deal with being single?”

“Focus on what I’ve got going on right now and imagine my ideal girl.”

“And what does she look like?” Timothy crossed his arms and smiled as he thought.

“Brown hair, brown eyes, curvaceous, olive skin that makes her look like a goddess. I’ll call her Aphrodite and we’ll have seven kids.”

“Pretty specific there…” Henry smirked as a few dignitaries started exiting the palace, however none were Richard.

“It’s kind of funny watching you fit your entire vocabulary into one sentence Tim.”

“Did you know light travels faster than sound, which explains why you seem bright until you speak.” Timothy countered as his phone rang again.

“Always quick with the retorts.”

“Just get it, Rich won’t be out for another thousand years.”

Timothy pulled his phone out and took a few steps away to answer. He carefully started arguing with the caller until he glanced at the palace entrance. Timothy’s chest moved rapidly as he hung up and bolted back to Henry.

“Prince’s life is in danger.” Henry crossed his arms and scoffed.

“We swept the entire palace before we got here.”

“I’m not kidding, we need to get him out of here now.”

“How do you know?”

“Some guy sent me this.” He showed his phone to Henry, a Praetorian most wanted photo showing a gangly man with dark eyes and a sickly complexion named Joe Nox. “The information is credible; we have to get him to safety.” A distant, gut-wrenching scream filled the air making Timothy glance down the street, but a reflective light shimmered into his eye, drawing his attention back to the palace roof; a man in black with a ski mask was hiding at the edge, readying a sniper rifle within his arms. Timothy grabbed Henry’s face and made him follow his gaze. “Now do you believe me?” Timothy bolted for the side entrance with Calvin close behind, rushing up the emergency stairs and climbing out a window. Timothy nearly lost balance on the window ledge, but Calvin steadied him. “Give me a boost.” Calvin helped him up and Timothy quickly assisted Calvin to climb up before running along the border of the palace roof. Henry’s shock nearly froze him, but he shook himself from it and bolted forward, reaching Alfred and Richard just as they exited the building.

“Code red, code red, we have to get Rich out of here.”

A shot fired just as Henry shoved Richard backwards, the bullet missed Henry’s head by less than a yard, Alfred quickly made Richard duck and run back inside, through a hall as the armored Equos pulled close to a side door, Alfred shoved their way through a line of security. Timothy had managed to disarm the assassin and knocked the rifle onto the pavement below, he slipped when the assassin punched him and was now hanging on the edge of the decorative railing lining the roof. Calvin caught up and aimed his sidearm at the assassin before he managed to make Timothy lose his grip.

“Get away from him and put your hands on your head!” The assassin obeyed and took a step away from Timothy as he attempted to pull himself up. “We know who you are, Nox.”

The assassin glanced between Calvin and Timothy and removed his mask, he looked around again, rage burned within his eyes when Richard was shoved into the armored vehicle, and it drove away. Calvin holstered his weapon and took a step to cuff him; the assassin bolted for Calvin and tackled him off the roof. He fell first, then Calvin, whose fall was cut short when Timothy snatched his leg midair and held on for dear life to the stone angel surrounding the corners of the palace. Timothy’s cry of strenuous pain and determination resonated as the assassin hit the ground, Calvin’s eyes widened as he stared at the now lifeless man and what could have been his fate as Praetorian officers rushed towards where they hung.

“Hang on Tim!”

“Someone get up there quick!”

Joel had climbed to the roof and finally reached them, Calvin painfully did a sit-up, and climbed up Timothy’s arm until reaching Joel who pulled him to safety and helped Timothy sit down, both panting heavily as they leaned against the steep roof behind them.

“Thanks bud. I am just kidding when I poke fun at you.”

“I know.” Timothy chuckled as he rubbed his aching arms. “We’re on the same team.”

“Maybe I should give a Myron girl a chance.” Timothy glanced at him and stared in disbelief.

“Where’s this coming from?”

“I almost fell to my death, and I want a wife and kids, not seven, but at least three. I remembered Lord Myron telling me once, after I beat up his kid, that a man is only worthy of real love after he's engraved the pillars of Praetoria on his heart.”

“What’d his kid do to you?”

“Nothing.” Calvin let out another heavy breath, and his eyes misted with it. “Maybe you’re right about me being the problem. He said that life is never easy, you’ll be king of the mountain in one moment, and be shattered in a valley of despair in the next, but what makes you a man is what you do when trials come.” Timothy rubbed his arms and let a crackle emit from his back.

“I’m sure you’ll find a girl, maybe shed a pound or two first.” Calvin let out a pained laugh and half-heartedly punched Timothy’s shoulder, he pushed himself up and gripped Timothy’s forearm before they started making their way down.


“Richard!” Alexandra rushed down Citri’s stone steps, not stopping for a breath as she shakingly hugged and kissed his cheeks as he exited his vehicle. The news of Praetoria’s crown prince’s near assassination had filled the international airways before they even made it to the airport.

“I’m alright mother.”

Alfred, Edward, and Walter all gave soft bows for their queen when she looked at them and smoothed her graying hair. Alexandra put a hand over her heart and let out deep breaths, calming herself as another Equos rolled up with the remainder of Richard’s security detail and parked in front of Citri Palace. Calvin and Henry were chatting and laughing as they exited the car, before going silent and lowering their heads when Alexandra approached them, her eyes watered as she hugged and kissed Henry and Calvin.

“My friends.” Richard smiled as he shook their hands. “I owe you my life.”

“Rich…” Henry began. “The credit really goes to Tim. Some tipster sent him the information, we gave the info to the Guard.”

“He saved my life too.” Calvin ran a hand through his hair and let out a hard breath. “Nox nearly took me off the roof with him, but Tim caught me. Didn’t know he was that strong.”

“I saw that.” Edward chimed. “Looked like it hurt like hell, Joel said he could barely climb down.” Alexandra quickly looked around.

“Where is he? Why didn’t he come back with you?”

“Some family emergency soon after he got off the roof.” Henry answered.

“Said something with his aunt. Or was it his uncle?”

“I think it might’ve been both? He bolted after telling us basically nothing.” Henry shrugged as he looked at Richard.

“Sounds serious.” Richard turned back to Alfred and Walter. “How about we give him a week off then?” Richard suggested to Alfred who nodded affirmatively. “And after he returns, I want to have a discussion with him.”

“He is to be commended as well.” Alexandra turned to Alfred. “Please tell him I also wish to meet with him. Richard, come see me in my office after you’ve finished.” Alexandra commanded as Julian escorted her back into the palace.

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