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  • rkscottauthor

Gideon’s Vengeance

Gideon rushed down an under-construction office stairwell as he clutched his phone to his ear, Astrid was two floors down in the office that faced the Royal Palace of Debaile, a bustling city and lovely in its own right, but nothing compared to his beautiful home of Astervillae. Gideon caught sight of his scar-ridden arms, a daily reminder of his parents' death thirty-five years ago and the ringing tone in his ear was getting on his last nerve.

“Come on Tim, pick up.” Gideon removed the phone from his ear and dialed again, Tim finally answering and speaking in a hushed tone. “Tim! Sy sent you Nox’s photo. Get the prince out of the city now.”

“Why can’t you?”

“I can’t get there fast enough. I'm down the street.”

“But they'll learn they have a Myron on their security staff.”

“Tim, there comes a time when you need to be bold.” Tim sighed quietly at Gideon’s plea, making Gideon somberly glance at his scarred arms again. “I know you don’t view yourself as courageous, but your courage is what saved Mark’s life in that fire.”

“But…” Tim’s quivering voice barely sounded through the speaker. “What if they-”

”Tim I swear to you. If they find out, I’ll take care of you and Sarah.” Astrid called out Gideon’s name as the sound of glass breaking crackled through the air, making his heart shatter with horror. He had found them.

“Uncle what was that?” Tim shouted. Gideon’s phone dropped to the floor with a thud as he bolted through the hall to find Vincent, dressed in black and his plague doctor mask, standing beside a broken window, holding Astrid by her neck, her feet barely touching the window frame.

“Myron, Myron, Myron…” Vincent tsked. “This isn’t Myronides. Have you forgotten your place again?” Gideon’s eyes fixated on Astrid as he stood frozen at the threshold, he almost took a step forward, but Vincent made her lean back more and cling to his arm. “Such a lovely lady.”

“Please…” Gideon gasped out. “Please don’t hurt her.” Vincent sucked in a long breath and let his mask’s nose swipe Astrid’s face.

“I need more begging from you Myron.” You sadistic- Gideon stopped the thought, Arthur had antagonized him once before, and he in turn burned down a church.

“If there is any honor in your heart, please. Take my life instead.”

“Deon.” Astrid’s short and strained voice barely registered in Gideon's racing mind. “Stand your ground, no matter what.”

“Oh… How sweet.” Vincent looked back at Astrid, who looked like she was silently reciting a silent prayer before looking back at Gideon, her small smile crushing Gideon’s soul, she was accepting her fate. Not her please. “I've warned you time and time again.”

“You’ve already taken so much. Please, I beg you, don’t take her.”

Vincent let go and Astrid's gut-wrenching scream echoed throughout the air, Gideon lunged for Astrid but Vincent tackled him backwards, forcing him to miss grabbing hold of her; Gideon punched and squirmed from Vincent’s grasp and crawled to the window, Gideon’s breathing shattered, his eyes instantly flooding with tears that poured down his face as he stared at his wife lying dead on the stone ground. Several onlookers were shouting as they rushed to her body and pointed towards the broken window. You sadistic bastard. A crack sounded in the distance. That… Was a gunshot.

“Learn your lesson and let Basil die.” Gideon’s brokenness mingled with vengeful rage as his tear stained face looked at Vincent, he turned around and almost stood up, prompting Vincent to mock his grief and pull out his pistol. “Or that pretty little daughter you think you’ve hidden can be my plaything.” Gideon frowned as he feigned confusion, everyone outside of Myronides believes his daughter is dead. “You didn’t think I was fooled into believing she died right? Dear Prince Richard, my name’s Margaret and if you would let me meet you I know we’ll become friends.” Good Lord no. The horror on Gideon’s face made Vincent laugh. I’ve never hated anyone in my life, but I hate you. “You think you can weasel her into his bed? I’ve ensured that will never happen.” Vincent opened a photo on his phone, it was of Margaret at the archery championships. “She looks just like her dear mother, so I promised Clay he could have her until she’s the last Myron left. And she almost is, isn’t she? There’s you, her, cousin Tom, and little Bridget. I'm so close I can taste it.” I swear on the graves of everyone you’ve cut down, I will kill you. Vincent’s phone beeped, the mask’s beak nearly swiped it out of his hand when he opened the message, the circular eyes stared at the screen as his hand started to shake. Tim must have saved him. “You stubborn fool!” The phone beeped again making him slam it to the ground, shattering the phone to pieces. “That lovechild is supposed to be dead!”

Gideon took the opportunity to unsheath his family dagger and throw it; Vincent yelled out when it sliced his hand open, but he still pulled the trigger. The bullet lodged into Gideon’s shoulder, barely missing his heart; Gideon fell to his knees as Vincent quickly tossed the gun away and stomped on Gideon’s hand; Gideon cried in agony at the crushing of bone, Gideon lifted his chin to look at the soulless eyes of Vincent’s mask. Vincent looked out the window before running down the hall when blaring sirens sounded like they were getting closer, Gideon bolted for Vincent and shoved him against a wall, his hard hitting blow to Vincent’s gut made him grunt as Gideon ripped the mask from his face and tackled them down the stairwell. He pinned Vincent to the platform, ignoring the pain of his crushed hand, Gideon held Vincent down as years of torment and grief entered his mind and left through his shattering fist. The world was lost to him, Gideon thought of his parents, his brother, his sons Dominic, Nicholas, and Jonathan; so many friends, family, his people, were cut down by this man, and he should pay for every murder, every crime, every sin…

“Uncle! Stop!” Tim stormed through the door at the base of the stair, and rushed up and pulled Gideon off of Vincent’s lifeless body and held tight as Gideon wept, his hands violently shaking as he tried to break free. I never wanted this. I just wanted to protect the royal family, and it’s cost me everything. “He’s dead, uncle. Stop!” Gideon broke out of Tim’s grasp and leaned against the wall as Tim quickly applied a tourniquet to his shoulder and glanced down the stairwell when shouting was heard. “We need help up here!”

“This is all my fault…” Gideon wept. “I ruined a wonderful woman, I've brought nothing but death to my family.” Tim grabbed Gideons face and forced him to look into Tim's clear eyes, they looked like Arthur’s. “Archie followed me in everything I did, even though he would tell me it doesn’t seem worth it. Basil doesn’t care, Basil will never care. And I killed him too.”

“Uncle, listen to me! None of this is your fault.” Tim’s lip quivered as he maintained firm pressure on the bullet wound. “He can’t hurt us anymore.” His voice cracked as tears fell. “Don’t abandon us, we all need you, I need you. And Ast…” Gideon could barely hear Tim’s cries, his mind fogged, the pain in his hands left him, the only thing he could do was stare at the bloodstains along the floor. “Astrid wouldn’t want you to give up.” Gideon’s blurred vision made the world fade into shadows, how could he keep going? How could he continue risking his family’s lives, all for a king that doesn’t care. Somehow he saw Astrid, beckoning him to follow her to Saint Peter’s gates. I’ll never leave you, my darling angel.“Don’t let him win.” Gideon tried to grasp Astrid’s hand, but it vanished; the blurred room came into focus for barely a moment. Tim was frantically trying to keep Gideon awake as he looked down the stairwell to the commotion getting closer, his voice finally breaking. “Please someone help me!” Gideon finally gave in, closing his eyes, and praying he could see his beloved wife’s smile, one last time.

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