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  • rkscottauthor

Jealousy is a Curious Thing

Richard sat quietly in his office staring at Margaret’s candidate profile as he toyed with the shell within his fingers, he smiled thinking of her in the music room and how she actually sought him out at the derby, giving him hope that he was breaking through her mistrust of him, but he couldn't shake the guilt at her belief that she doesn't belong there. Richard spun his chair round and leaned back after pulling off his tie and jacket and tossing them to the floor beside Monty, who was napping comfortably on an oversized pillow. The large window before him made him stare off towards the stables, the midday sun was dimming with a blanket of billowing clouds and what was aggravatingly stupid, was that nearly everything made him think of Margaret, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop it. The matter of Margaret's family crossed his mind as a knock on his door sounded, making Monty lift his head and bark as Richard turned back around.

“Come in.” Alfred opened the door and sat on the sofa in the far corner. Richard sighed as he closed the file and tucked it under some papers when Leonard crossed the threshold and rigidly made his way towards him, before carefully sitting down across from him. “Everything alright?”

“I do not believe so.” Richard raised an eyebrow as Leonard dropped a newspaper before him. It had stories from the derby, and was folded to show a photo of Richard and Margaret talking in his tent. Leonard stared expectantly, as if he’d already said what he wanted to say.

“Did you enjoy the derby?”

“Don’t be coy with me, boy.”

“How about you tell me what you’re thinking instead of assuming I already know.”

“You cannot seriously be considering Myron?”

“What's wrong with considering a candidate who is vying for my hand in marriage?”

“She's a Myron.” Leonard chastised. I am like you. “I don’t want you to make a mistake and the way you look at her in that photograph, is how your mother looked at Frederick.”

“I thought you liked father?”

“At the time of her choosing, I had hoped she would choose Callin’s sponsor, Ambassador Locke.” Leonard glanced back at Alfred. “I mean no offense, Alfred. Fred was a fine gentleman and loving husband to Lexi, and he turned out to be the best choice she could have made.”

“None taken…” Alfred dismissed as he pretended to read a magazine.

“Did you know Harriet was an apprentice to Mrs. Sawyer before opening her own dress shop?” Richard smiled at the confusion on Leonard's face. “And Aurora is an excellent painter, her father is a very learned man, he keeps going into spiels about the nature of forgiv-”

“Quit diverting the subject, Richard.” Leonard rebuked.

Richard intertwined his fingers and contemplated his next words. “I’m not going to treat Margaret poorly just because you can’t let go of a past you weren’t alive for.” Leonard’s frail jaw twitched, as he tightened and loosened his grasp around his cane. “She doesn’t deserve your hatred and she’s just as much a candidate as any of the girls.”

“This isn’t a game, you are choosing the next queen of Praetoria.”

“I’ll choose wisely, I promise. But you must honor my choice whether you like it or not.” Richard shook his head at his harsh words. Why is he getting so defensive? He hasn’t even had his date with Margaret, and he feels the need to defend her at every turn; and he stupidly feels like his guts are falling out because they haven’t spoken since Sunday when he saw her helping at Saint Matthew’s soup kitchen.

“I just-” Leonard’s softened tone brought Richard back to the present, “-don’t want you to be hurt.”

“Why are you assuming I’ll be hurt if I consider her?”

“She has a reputation.” I promise I’m not a whore.

“Do you have evidence or just hearsay?” Leonard looked shocked at the question, like he didn't need evidence before passing judgment.

“Sebastian saw her five days ago with one of your guards. The young blonde one.”

“Tim?” Alfred’s attention perked up as he quietly set the magazine down.

“Front door, just after four.”

“I’ll look into it.” Leonard nodded somberly and walked towards the door.

“Posture Richard and clean your desk.” Richard chuckled as he sat up properly and proceeded to clean up the papers and files strung out everywhere. Leonard closed the door after him and his words then started itching at the back of Richard’s mind. Please be wrong. Alfred stood and woke up the screen on his wall, seemingly reading his thoughts.

“Is there something going on between Peg and Tim?”

“I doubt it. Tim’s professional and has never shown interest in any of the girls on staff here that’s asked him out.”

“How do we know it’s not another Henry and Madi situation?”

“We can call him in here and ask.” Richard’s stomach ached at the suggestion as he fidgeted with the papers in his hands before laying them flat, not wanting to accidentally destroy them. Alfred glanced at him and smiled. “Are you afraid of the answer to that question?” Richard pushed himself up and stood beside Alfred as he put in his security code, and brought footage from the front door. Margaret bolted through the entrance and ran into Timothy, Richard’s throat tightened at Margaret’s distress and his own decision to not follow her when she rushed from the music room that day. Timothy quickly stopped her from running off and hugged her prompting Margaret to hug him back, setting Richard’s heart ablaze as he rubbed his now twitching eye. Calm down, calm down. Richard quickly stopped the video, he had been so sure that Timothy was trustworthy; but he is very guarded whenever he speaks to him, so he could be harboring feelings. Alfred chuckled as he steadied the swaying screen from Richard’s touch.

“You really like her don’t you?” Richard hung his head as anger boiled in his stomach. “Don’t make swift judgements.”

“She’s obviously comfortable enough with him to-” Richard went silent and snorted out a breath. Calm down. You’re not going to choose her anyway.

“She’s my favorite out of your choices too.”

“She’s not my favorite.” Yes she is. Richard pushed the thought away. “There are several lovely candidates that could have that top spot and she's a Myron.”

“Then why are you upset over a hug?”

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