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  • rkscottauthor

To Trust a Prince

“Hey.” Richard’s broad smile beckoned her to close the distance to his desk, he looked good in his dark suit, but Margaret does prefer his more casual look. “How was your weekend?”

“Good. Sarah is… Ready to be done being pregnant. For now that is, she's determined to have seven kids.” Richard chuckled as he stood up and walked around his desk, sitting carefully on the edge of the surface, allowing their eyes to be almost leveled. “How was yours?”

“Little dull…” Richard glanced at Edward who was clearly not reading the magazine in his hands, and Margaret almost thought she saw a camera aimed at them. “Visited Luci’s casino. It's fun to watch amateurs think they can beat the house when they’re wasted. Almost cleaned out a tourist.”

“You a gambler then? Should Al get you some help?”

“Nah, I only play when it’s a sure bet.” Edward snorted loudly at that, making Margaret glance between them. “The live shows Luci hosts are fantastic, Saturday was a group of magicians. You should come next weekend.”

“Is Max asking me out? How scandalous.”

“Sounds like you're excited about our date next week. I do apologize that yours is last.”

“That's alright, it's giving you plenty of time to think of something… Adequate to impress me.” Richard chuckled and seemed to be thinking of a response, Margaret then lowered her voice to a fake whisper. “I was just saying, you don’t want people to speculate.” I'm just a Myron.

“The nation is speculating like the season is a horse race.” Richard laughed. “The staff are all going crazy with their own bets. Did you know Winston is betting on you?”

“He mentioned it.”

“So is my guard Tim.” Tim, what have you done? Margaret offered a smile, but Richard tilted his head, trying to read her face, but Margaret took a breath, praying that enough to not show the fear tearing through her stomach. “Glad to see he’s joined the fun for once. He likes to get into arguments with staff about… What was the last one Al?”

“The nature of beauty. I’m convinced he has a secret girlfriend since he refused to call any of the candidates beautiful.” Margaret glanced at Alfred and smirked.

“Sounds like he's a jar of vinegar. Good for your health in small doses but annoyingly sour.”

“That is the best description I’ve ever heard.” Alfred laughed as Margaret looked back at Richard.

“Bridge and I explored Lupine, there’s an old fort there, I read that it was Maximus the first’s birthplace. Some of the foundation stones moved a little when we stepped on them, so I’m convinced there has to be a tunnel somewhere.”

“It’s called Arx Vitrum, and I can confirm there are catacombs, but since the structure above is unstable I ask that you be extremely careful if you explore again. Oh, I realized I know your aunt.” Margaret's throat strangled her at that. “Francine is a wonderful woman, she's been Luci’s Operations Director for ten years now.” Margaret took a breath and offered a smile. Keep the conversation away from Tim.

“She's actually why Lucinda was open to trying our wines, she complained about not having the finest wine for visiting dignitaries and royals…” Margaret smirked. “No offense, but your winery is-” Richard’s smile grew with his raised brow, “-not good.” Richard chuckled at that. “Your best wine is your Marmoso, it’s not bad, but you can’t rush fine wine and maybe tweak the recipe slightly to bring out more of the cedar and herbal husk.”

“I think you should be a consultant for me then.”

“I wasn’t saying that.”

“Too bad, I’ll give Gus a call so he can expect you this week? I’ve got quite the competition, I’ve found that all of my favorite wines… Come from Myron.”

“Ta preferată femeia anche da acolo.”

Whatever Edward said made Richard pick up a blank piece of paper, crumble it into a ball and throw it at him. Alfred and Margaret chuckled when it hit his face. Monty laid his head on Richard's knee, prompting him to rub Monty’s ears as his gaze fell from Margaret’s face all along her outfit before returning to her eyes. Maybe she is indecent. The flower in her trembling hands shook as she felt for the drive in her pocket. Just give it to him.

“Speramus is about hope and perseverance. And Hora Memini honors those who have been lost.” Margaret noticed his gaze dropped to the flower in her hands. “This is for you.” Margaret offered the long stem to him. You're a coward Peg. A warm, yet sad, smile crossed his face as he took it, and breathed in the aroma; Monty jumped up and almost snatched it from Richard's hand.

“Monty, go lay down.” He ordered, Monty barked and then wandered to the corner where he spun four times before laying down on the oversized pillow. “Thank you Peg.” He breathed in the scent once more before setting the flower on the file he had been looking at, Richard quickly touched her arm when she turned to leave. “Were you safe in Lupine?”

“Yes. People have been much kinder ever since you-”

“No I mean, you snuck through the Castellum tunnel Jovesday night to be gone… As early as possible?” Margaret lowered her gaze to her ring and slowly twisted it. “It's alright, Ed just said Bridge went radio silent after saying you two would be gone.”

“I… Normal Myron stuff, you know us, we get into trouble sometimes. And I promise, Bridge and I haven't told anyone about the tunnel.” Richard grasped her hand and gently tugged her closer to him.

“If you’re in trouble, please know you can always come to me.” Margaret felt her eyes fixate on his, the ocean filling her with nerves and comfort and the annoying desire to kiss him. Give him the drive.

“Nationals wasn't all it was made out to be.” Richard nodded as if understanding but also suspicious, he knows she had been mistreated by some, but nothing was as terrible as Clayton. Margaret unzipped her pocket and pulled out the drive; she stared at it, clutched within her fingers, her knuckles paling at the idea of giving it to him. Courage is the mastery of fear. Richard grazed her arm, getting her to bring her gaze back to him, he noticed her trembling, her fear and was trying to bring comfort. Trust him, so he will someday trust you. “You… You asked about… My grandparents.” Richard's eyes widened as his breath left him sharply and he wrapped his fingers around her hand.

“Speak to me, please.”

“Two of the witnesses have been in your employ for a long time-” Margaret let out a hard breath, “-I ask that you keep your promise.”

“Always.” Margaret glanced at Alfred when he took a step forward. “Al does have to take it and verify it won't do anything to our systems.” Margaret nodded quietly as she slowly opened her fingers, Richard was about to take it when a knock sounded on his door, making Margaret snatch it back and hide it behind her as she stepped away from Richard when Leonard entered the room.


“I was not aware you were with anyone.” Richard gave a smile when Leonard glanced between them. “John told me that you went missing, you were expected in Cyrillus with Elizabeth but you vanished.”

“I-” Margaret swallowed hard and glanced at Richard and then Alfred who both looked concerned at her shaking.

“She wasn’t missing-” Richard began, “-I heard her tell Elizabeth that she had plans to visit a friend this weekend.” Leonard tilted his head, a huff exited his nostril, silently scoffing at the notion that she has friends.

“I visited my friend from university. She’s a part-time professor at Soph-” Leonard looked back at Richard.

“What is she going in here?” Leonard’s gaze made Margaret bow her head and take a step towards the door but Richard quickly stopped her.

“I’ve brought her on as a consultant for our winery.” Leonard frowned with confusion. “Margaret manages her family's winery and the majority of patrons at Luci’s prefer their wines to ours. I hope to learn some trade secrets.” Leonard eyed Margaret again, and try as she might, she couldn’t stop shaking.

“I should like to speak with you Richard.”

“How about over lunch? I have another appointment in-” Richard glanced at his watch, “-ten minutes.” Leonard nodded as Edward opened the door for him, glancing back at her as he left.

“I should go.” Margaret muttered, nearly bolting for the door.

“Wait.” Richard bolted off the desk and still held onto her hand that clutched the drive, Margaret glanced at Edward who’s smirk grew at Richard’s action. “You’ve yet to give me…” She looked back at the door, Richard lightly swept his finger along her cheek, getting Margaret to look back at him.

“Perhaps it’d be better if you didn’t know.”

“I want to know.” He whispered. “Mother said… Arthur tried to tell her about Peter thirty years ago. She’s wanted to know ever since and she does believe you when you say Arthur didn’t kill himself. If you have proof of that I’d like to see it.” Margaret felt her eyes water, he does seem sincere. But is he?

“One step at a time?” Richard kissed her hand as she let him open her palm and took the drive.

“I swear to you, I will look at it.” Richard's eyes fell to her lips when she smiled, he bowed his head and took a breath as a smile crept onto his face as he handed Alfred the drive.

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